Clinic+O is building the first technology-enabled outpatient primary care network for much-needed access to affordable basic healthcare across the region. Our hybrid mobile app / health ID card model incorporates telemedicine with community healthcare; the first system to help patients connect securely with ALL healthcare stakeholders "anywhere, anytime", including physicians, labs, pharmacies, and all other healthcare providers.

Our "in Guinea, by Guinea, for Guinea" approach creates a local culture of innovation and enablement across our medical team and partners that will allow for expansion and impact in ways that are generally atypical of local operations.

The more users we attract the more value is returned to everyone.

For Patients: Clinic+O provides a smart Healthcare ID Card which has several applications

●      Creates a unique, secure digital ID for marginalized communities that do not have an official means of identification

●      Generates an Electronic Medical Record that ensures proper treatment and services

●      Enables access to Clinic+O’s network of healthcare providers, via telemedicine and in-person care where possible

●      Facilitates secure digital payment via mobile money that limits opportunities for corruption and graft, and increases financial inclusion for unbanked populations

For Healthcare Providers: Clinic+O’s technology provides a simple software to modernize their operations

●      Expands services to include telemedicine, electronic medical records management, patient scheduling, and payment

●      Connects all stakeholders to ensure proper treatment and adherence, including community healthcare workers, physicians, labs, and pharmacies

For Government & Global NGOs: creates data and infrastructure that can improve service delivery and impact assessment

●      Identifies populations in need of services and financial subsidies

●      Provides healthcare indicators that require critical attention and support

●      Expands the capacity of the local healthcare system beyond existing physical infrastructure



We operate in Conakry and surrounding communities, and in six cities in Middle Guinea